Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Request Form


HRT is moving to repeat prescriptions.


If you have been sent a text previously advising that your HRT is now on a repeat prescription please DO NOT complete this form.


You can request HRT via your pharmacy, My Health Online account or at the surgery.


You only need to complete this online review form when your medication is reviewed annually near your birthday.

Last Updated: 03/08/2023

Your Details

HRT Review

Important safety information about HRT You should seek urgent medical advice if you develop any of the following symptoms: Bad headache or migraines, painful swelling of your leg, weakness or numbness of an arm or leg, sudden problems with speech or sight, difficulty breathing, coughing up blood, chest pain especially when breathing in, faint or collapse. Screening Information: It is important to keep up to date with screening checks when you are invited. Breast screening is advised every 3 years from age 50-70. Cervical screening (smear test) is advised ever 3 years from age 25-49 and every 5 years from age 50-64. Cyclical HRT: If you still have periods with your HRT (cyclical preparations that change during the month) this is normally changed to a continuous preparation after you turn 54. Please get in touch if you wish to discuss changing. Risks with HRT: Breast cancer – small increased risk that rises with age DVT (blood clot) – small risk associated with oral HRT tablets Stroke – slight increased risk that rises with age (risk very low under the age of 60)

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