Children & Young People Information

Vale Family Information Service

Based in the Vale of Glamorgan Council

The ‘go to’ service for free and trusted information on what matters to families in the Vale from 0 to 18 years. Providing information and guidance on childcare, activities, services, family support and more.

View their animation ‘Your Child in the Vale of Glamorgan’ to see how their service can benefit your family at different ages Welsh version

Visit their website:

Phone: 01446 704704

They also provide information on the Welsh Government’s 30 Hour Childcare Offer.

Most working parents of 3 to 4 year olds can now claim funds towards the cost of childcare. View their animation ‘The Childcare Offer and Starting Nursery Education’, which explains the difference between Childcare Offer funding and starting nursery education in the Vale of Glamorgan. (Welsh version).

Visit their website for more information and to apply:

They also run The Index for families of children and young people with disabilities or additional needs in the Vale of Glamorgan.

It’s a way of keeping families informed about what’s available locally and nationally including a newsletter every three months, packed full with information about events, activities, playschemes and services.

Sign up is free and completely voluntary and you don’t need to have a diagnosed disability.

View their animation ‘The Index’ explaining the service. (Welsh version).

Visit their website to sign up:

Phone: 0800 587 1014

Youth Heath

How can we help you?

We welcome all young people to our Practice and we will respect your privacy, dignity, religious or cultural beliefs. Our mission is to help you stay physically and emotionally healthy!

So if you are feeling curious about sexual health, drugs or alcohol, feel sad or lonely, or feel you lack confidence and self-esteem, we can help you by ensuring you get support see 

Supporting Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (

Emotional Health and Wellbeing support

We realise that being a young person brings its own particular stresses and worries, so ask for help when you need it, don’t struggle on your own.

See Supporting Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (

Drugs and Alcohol

We can provide advice and support and also put you in contact with organisations like Switched On, which is an information, education and advice service for anyone under the age of 25. Whether you are worried about your own experiences with substance misuse, concerned about a friend or relative, or just simply want to get your facts straight, Switched On can help young people stay informed.  See


If you want advice or help to give up smoking see Help me Quit

Sexual Health

We provide a number of sexual health services within the Practice:

  • Contraception, including pills, injection implants and emergency contraception (“morning after pill”).
  • Pregnancy testing and advice.

See also information from the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board who have a dedicated Sexual Health Service



You have the right to make and attend appointments on your own (without your parents or legal guardian). We have a duty to keep anything you discuss with the Practice confidential (secret). The only time we would need to inform anyone would be if you are at serious risk of harm.

You can request to see a female or male member of staff and the receptionists will do their best to help you.

We know it can be a bit scary talking to someone about your worries, so here are some top tips to help you:

  • If you are worried you will forget to mention something, write a list and bring it with you.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask the doctor/nurse to explain things if you don’t understand.
  • If you feel nervous bring a trusted friend, or, if you want to, a relative with you.


If you are under 16 then you will need to contact the Practice by telephone. The receptionist will need to ask you some basic questions, to make sure that we give you an appointment with the right person in our Practice team who will be able to help you. Everything you tell the receptionist is confidential (secret).

Online Access

If you are over 16 then you can register for an online account (My Health Online).  You will then be able to:

  • Book, view and cancel an appointment online (you will get confirmation back immediately so there will be no need to re-confirm by telephone).
  • View a summary of your medical records which will include your current medication, immunisation history and allergies.
  • Request repeat prescriptions.
  • Update personal information.


If you give your consent to something, it means you give your permission, you agree. If you are 16 years or over, you have the right to make your own decisions about your health. If you’re under 16 you can give your own consent for medical treatment (eg contraception like the pill) if the doctor or nurse thinks you are ready to make your own decisions about your health. They will chat to you about how you’re feeling and what you want. If they don’t think you’re quite ready to make decisions about your health, they will ask you to bring a parent or carer to your next appointment.

The Children’s Commissioner for Wales and Welsh Government published a really useful guide to raise awareness about children and young people’s consent in health settings.  It includes practical guidance on what young people should expect from health professionals, including nurses, doctors and dentists, and outlines your right to be involved in decisions about your health, health care or treatment – a right afforded to you under Article 13 of the UN Convention. See

Teenage Vaccinations

Since August 2015 teenagers and new university students have been offered the MenACWY vaccine to improve protection against meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning).  The MenACWY vaccine protects against four different causes of meningitis and septicaemia – Meningococcal (Men) A, C, W and Y diseases.  The MenACWY vaccine is offered routinely to all young people around 13/14 years of age (school year 9) through the schools-based programme.

The MenACWY vaccine should also be given to all individuals under 25 years of age who are planning to attend university for the first time, or those in their first academic year at university if they have not already received the vaccine. Ideally the vaccine should be administered at least two weeks prior to starting university.

All girls aged 12 to 13 are offered HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccination as part of the NHS childhood vaccination programme. The vaccine protects against cervical cancer. It’s usually given to girls in year 8 in school. The HPV vaccine is delivered largely through secondary schools, and consists of two injections into the upper arm within a 6-24 month period.

If you have missed either of these vaccines in school, we can vaccinate you in the Practice, and you are eligible to receive the vaccine up to the age of 25.

Young Carers

Are you a young carer?

A young carer is defined as someone under 18 who provides care on an unpaid basis for another person. The person they look after may be a parent, a brother or sister, a grandparent or other relative.

They may provide practical or physical care, help with personal care, and help with domestic tasks and/or emotional support.

There are an estimated 700,000 young carers in the UK and a recent survey in the Vale of Glamorgan indicated that 1 in 12 (8%) of pupils in primary or secondary school could be young carers.

Young carers face serious caring responsibilities. In addition to the daily tasks they complete for their parents such as housework, cooking and bathing, they live with the added pressure of school and, often, a lack of understanding from schoolmates.

See our Carers page for more information.