Sexual Health Advice

Sexual Health Services - Western Vale Family Practice

Did you know that Western Vale Family Practice offer lots of different forms of contraception advice and services other than the pill?

This includes:
  • Sayanna Press (Self Injection following training)
Please contact us to book an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner if you want to discuss a new form of contraception, or a Practice Nurse for any ongoing treatments/discussions/reviews.
Appointments can be booked across our three sites, via our automated booking line 24/7 01446 500562.
For general contraception advice see

Please make an appointment with a member of the Nursing Team see Contact Us

Sexual Health Services -Cardiff & Vale

The Department of Sexual Health is based at the Cardiff Royal Infirmary (CRI) See Sexual Health - Cardiff and Vale University Health Board ( 

All of their clinics are confidential. They provide a full sexual health and contraceptive service. Which includes:

If you want an STI screen, but have no symptoms, please follow this link to the Public Health Wales Test and Post Service. You can apply for a postal kit to be sent to your home address. If you test positive, you will receive a text message and we will contact you to arrange treatment.


The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV - BASHH


  • To promote, encourage and improve the study and practice of diagnosing, treating and managing sexually transmitted infections, HIV and other sexual health problems
  • To innovate and deliver excellent tailored education and training to health care professionals, trainers and trainees in the UK
  • To determine, monitor and maintain standards of governance in the provision of sexual health and HIV care
  • To advance public health in relation to sexually transmitted infections, HIV and other sexual health problems
  • To champion and promote good sexual health and provide education to the public

Please click here to view a collective Vision Statement from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) and the British HIV Association (BHIVA), on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and health inequalities in sexual health.

Public and Patient Information | British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (

Family Planning Association

They are a sexual health charity. They give straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK.

Telephone: 0300 1237123
